Rule 1: No Spamming; (no posts, that really don't fit topic, or are one word (like ''ok'' or ''?'')
Rule 2: No Profanity or Sexual and/or Illegal Content; (no pornographic advertising)
Rule 3: Ettiquette; (be nice to each other, don't say
swear words)
Rule 4: No Multi Account; (have only one account per person, if You forgot password, or something bad happened to Your account, please ask administrator for permission to create new account)
Rule 5: English only; (this is english forum, so speak only english)
Rule 6: Big Signature; (don't have big/animated signatures, 'cuz it can be laggy for other people)
Rule 7: Search first!; (use search, do not write the same like there were written before)
Rule 8: No posts colouring. (do not colour all Your posts (You can colour little piece of it) , 'cuz it is keeped for moderating and post editing)
Rule 9: Click [solved]. (''how to'' tutorial here:
The moderators and administrator will leave keep their choise to ban and/or warn that member who don't know/respect rules.